Join author Marina Richie and Sevilla Rhoads of the Sunriver Nature Center for a family friendly walk to look and listen for kingfishers and other birds. Learn cool kingfisher facts along the way–from their headfirst dives to how they build their nests deep in earthen burrows.
Kingfishers may not be active in the area this time of year, but near their burrows feeding chicks, but Marina and her guide will point out the critical parts of kingfisher habitat if the birds are not present.
Expect to walk approximately 3 to 4 miles along various trails. Please no strollers or dogs. Wear sturdy and water-resistant footwear and bring a bottle of water and a pair of binoculars with you.
A limited number of binoculars are available to borrow
This particular walk meets at the Nature Center to look for the iconic Kingfisher along the banks of Lake Aspen and Deschutes.