SPRING BREAK at SNCO! Open special hours 10am-3pm EVERY DAY THIS WEEK! Join us for fun events and activities!
  • All
  • Dobsonian Mounted Newtonians
  • Refractor
  • Ritchey-Chretien
  • Schmidt Cassegrain
  • Telescopes
Brondum 130
Celestron 14 HD
Coronado 60
Coronado 70
Coronado 90
JMI 18
Lehner 10
Marcoe and Norton 10
Martin 18
Martin 20
Matthews 30
Obsession 18
Orion 14
Osborne 12
Pestes 11
Porter 11
Porter 14
Porter 9
Porter HD 150
Starmaster 20
Sunriver Rotary 12.5
Televue Pronto
Tryon 102
Tryon 11
Tryon Tele Vue 101
Worthy ACF 16
Yocum 10
Yocum 20
Yocum 8
Yocum 8