SPRING BREAK at SNCO! Open special hours 10am-3pm EVERY DAY THIS WEEK! Join us for fun events and activities!

Educational Programs

K-12 Education and Field Trips


Astronomer Classroom Visit

Grade(s): K-12
Availability: year-round
Location: Your School

Astronomy Immersion: Current Space Exploration

Grade(s): 6-12
Availability: Fall, Winter, Spring
Location: SNCO Campus

Astronomy Immersion: Earth’s Place in the Universe

Grade(s): 3-12
Availability: Fall, Winter, Spring
Location: SNCO Campus

Astronomy Immersion: The Sun and Other Stars

Grade(s): 3-12
Availability: Fall, Winter, Spring
Location: SNCO Campus
Nature Center

Naturalist Classroom Visit

Grade(s): PreK-12
Availability: Fall, Winter, Spring
Location: Your School
Nature Center

Nature Discovery Kit Rental

Grade(s): K-12
Availability: Year-round
Location: Your School
Nature Center

Nature Immersion Field Trip: Birds of Prey

Grade(s): 1-5; adaptable for MS & HS
Availability: Year-round
Location: SNCO Campus
Nature Center

Nature Immersion Field Trip: Pond Study

Grade(s): K-2; adaptable for 3-12
Availability: September-November; March-June
Location: SNCO Campus
Nature Center

Nature Immersion: Animal Adaptations

Grade(s): K-5; adaptable for MS and HS
Availability: Fall, Winter, Spring
Location: SNCO Campus

Observatory Field Trip

Grade(s): K-12
Availability: Year-round
Location: SNCO Campus

Planetarium Experience

Grade(s): K-12
Availability: Year-round
Location: SNCO Campus, Your School
Nature Center

Sunriver Nature Center & Observatory self-directed field trip

Grade(s): PreK-12
Availability: Year-round
Location: SNCO Campus