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Gardening for Night Pollinators

Who are our moths and why are they important as night pollinators?

  • 75% of all flowering plants need animal-assisted pollination to reproduce.
  • Moths are a critical part of the food web; they are food for birds, owls, bats, frogs, toads and lizards.

Moths Pollinate More Plant Species Than Bees
● Moths pollinate at a faster rate than day time bees and pollinate a wider range of plant species.
● Moths have large, furry bodies which easily pick up pollen and help transfer that pollen between flowers.
● Moths carry more pollen than previously thought and visit more types of trees and fruit trees outside of those with pale/fragrant flowers.
● Moths might pollinate an entirely different set of plants than bees.

Click here to view information on night time pollinators and how you can help them.