SPRING BREAK at SNCO! Open special hours 10am-3pm EVERY DAY THIS WEEK! Join us for fun events and activities!

Plant Sale

Native Plant Sale

Fill your yard with native plants that provide habitat for birds, bees and other wildlife while supporting Sunriver Nature Center & Observatory. A variety of native plants and shrubs will be available in various sizes, while supplies last. Quantities are limited.

The annual native plant sale is virtual this year. Place your plant order online and pick it up the nature center.

  • Sale Dates: June 17th to June 23rd, 2023
  • Annual Wildflower Show: June 24th, 2023 (Leftover plants will be available for purchase at the show)
  • Pickups: June 24th to July 1st, 2023
  • Local Deliveries in Sunriver: $10 fee

Pickups and deliveries will be available after the Wildflower Show.

Pricing (based on pot/plant size)
4″ – $10
1 gallon – $20
2 gallon – $30

If you experience any issues with placing your order, please contact us at 541-593-4442 or email info@snco.org.

Return Your Pots
Please consider returning the pots to us so that they can be reused. Pots can be dropped off at the nature center or after hours in the parking lot along the fence.