Sponsor an Animal

By sponsoring an animal at Sunriver Nature Center & Observatory, you help us in the care and feeding of 35 animals, representing 20 species, 365 days per year. Your sponsorship also helps to fulfill our mission to connect others with the natural world while supporting educational programs throughout Central Oregon.

Animal sponsorships are renewable each year. All the animals listed are available to an unlimited number of sponsors. If you would like to be the only sponsor of an animal, please contact our office at 541-593-4442 for more information. “Sponsorship” does not imply ownership, naming right, feeding, or exclusive privileges with regard to specified animal.



Our newest animal ambassador, the female Gyrfalcon, hatched in May 2021 and arrived at the nature center at just three weeks of age. Not only is this the largest falcon species in the world, but this raptor is an apex predator in the north Arctic, reaching speeds of up to 130 mph while hunting. As the Gyrfalcon grows into adulthood, she will be able to serve as an ambassador for her species and the many other animals that face uncertain futures in the face of climate change.


  • Private animal encounter and keeper talk for 6 people
  • Invitation to annual Donor Night
  • Recognition in newsletter and on website

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Trumpeter Swans


Sunriver’s thriving swan family is critical to the success of a restored Oregon Trumpeter Swan population. Your sponsorship provides the necessary funds to feed, monitor, and maintain the swans on Lake Aspen year-round. By sponsoring Sunriver’s Trumpeter Swan family you are helping to restore Oregon’s natural heritage by supporting local conservation initiatives that have large scale impacts on the future of Trumpeter Swans as a species.


  • Private swan walk for 6 people
  • Invitation to annual Donor Night
  • Recognition in newsletter, annual report and on website

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Eurasian Eagle-owl


Hatched in 2020, the Eurasian Eagle-owl is also one of the largest species of owl in the world. Thanks to her training, this owl is one of our best educational tools, working alongside staff and volunteers to visit schools, and participate in events and programs in our community as an ambassador of bird diversity and conservation.


  • Private owl encounter and keeper talk for 6 people
  • Invitation to annual Donor Night
  • Recognition in newsletter and on website

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Swainson’s Hawk


Ron, the Swainson’s Hawk came to SNCO after being rescued as a young bird. He’s spent most of his life with humans which means he’s very comfortable working alongside our staff and volunteers to educate visitors about raptor ecology and natural history. Ron is currently being trained to become a program ambassador so that he can visit schools and attend community events.


  • Private keeper talk with hawk for 6 people
  • Recognition in newsletter and on website

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Great Horned Owl


Joe, the Great Horned Owl was struck by a car, an all too common fate for many birds of prey. Due to his head injury and loss of vision in one eye, Joe could not be returned to the wild and came to live at the nature center in 2014.  As the face of SNCO (our logo depicts a Great Horned Owl), Joe’s story of rehabilitation helps us educate others about the importance of wildlife habitat and how to coexist with and protect birds.


  • Private keeper talk with hawk for 6 people
  • Recognition in newsletter and on website

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Classroom Ambassadors


Each year Michael the Three-toed Box Turtle and Gandalf the Bearded Dragon, visit with thousands of K-12 students in the classroom and at SNCO. Whether they are learning about animal adaptations, behavior, or diversity, a child’s up close and personal encounter with a  turtle or lizard, is a great way to inspire a life-long passion for wildlife.


  • Private animal encounter for 6 people
  • Recognition in newsletter and on website

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Creature Cave


When visitors step into the creature cave they can explore the vast diversity of reptiles amphibians native to Oregon. From a threatened Oregon Spotted Frog, the elusive Rubber Boa, to the colorful but toxic Rough-skinned newts – each animal is special and has a story to tell.


  • Recognition in newsletter and on website

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Birds of Sunriver


Sunriver is known as a birding hotspot in Central Oregon and over 150 species have been recorded from the nature center. SNCO supports the wild birds of Sunriver through a year-round bird feeder station and by maintaining and monitoring bird houses throughout our grounds.


  • Pair of tickets for a Saturday Bird Walk
  • Recognition in newsletter and on website

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