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Trumpeter Swans from Sunriver Nature Center
April 2023

Wildlife Conservation – One Swan at a Time

Sunriver Nature Center & Observatory has hosted a pair of breeding Trumpeter Swans on adjacent Lake Aspen since 2015. Since then, 11 cygnets have been released into the wild at Summer Lake Wildlife Area through Oregon’s Trumpeter Swan Restoration Program.

Each cygnet born brings us closer to a thriving and sustainable population of Trumpeter Swans in Oregon. After nearly being hunted to extinction in Oregon in the early 1900s, this species has been slow to recover in part due to loss and degradation of wetland habitats. However, through the efforts of The Trumpeter Swan Society, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, and many other partners, there will be a future for Trumpeter Swans in Oregon once again.

Through our commitment to hosting Trumpeter Swans in Sunriver and caring for the growing cygnets during a critical period in their development, we play a role in helping to restore Oregon’s natural heritage. We know that local conservation initiatives can have large scale impacts and Sunriver Nature Center & Observatory is proud to contribute to this important project, one swan at a time.

To learn more about Trumpeter Swans, click the links below.

Photo by George D. Lepp
Gus arrives at Lake Aspen. Photo by SNCO
Gracie and Gus' first meeting. Photo by Tom Lawler
Gus and Gracie during their first few days together. Photo by SNCO
Gracie on the nest. Photo by Mark E. Loper
Gracie, Gus and their cygnets. Photo by Tom Lawler
Fall family portrait. Photo by George D. Lepp